If you are interested in playing in the Senior Summer 2024-2025 season then please click on the following link to Register (do not wait until the last minute):
** Minimum AGE to play in the Senior CSMLBA competition – a player must be 15 years old before he/she can take the field.
** If you are using an Active Kids Voucher, before registering your son/daughter please contact either Michael or myself to walk you through the process. The GameDay registration process has changed from previous seasons.
** ALL Senior games are played on a SUNDAY
Game duration 2hrs (1st grade 2.15hrs)
** REGISTRATION WINDOW will CLOSE on Sunday, 18th August
– NO Exceptions as the team matrix needs to be sent through to CSMLBA Executive to ensure Comets teams will be entered in the competition.
Attached is a copy of the proposed CSMLBA Senior Summer 2024-205 season schedule:
Player Registration Fees includes:
BAUS Capitation Fee
BNSW Capitation Fee
Comets Baseball Club Fee (inc CSMLBA Fee)
** There is one additional fee (umpire fee) which will need to be paid separately to the team coach/manager upon season commencement. The amount will be determined by each team coach/manager not the Comets Baseball Club
Should you have any questions, issues or concerns, please contact :